Dear Friends,
I hope you are all well during these uncertain times – know that you are in our prayers! Here at L’Arche GWDC daily life has changed in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, but our support of one another remains.
When it became apparent that coronavirus|COVID-19 began spreading to the US, L’Arche GWDC as a community responded to guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and implemented preventative measures. Day programs have closed and we have developed alternative schedules to enable support of core members at home. We are practicing social distancing, including limiting visits to grocery stores or other public settings to essential needs only. We have added even more cleaning and disinfecting practices to our already rigorous daily routines.
To ensure that we are keeping everyone safe and protected, we have paused dinner and overnight guests and are screening visitors and deliveries to our homes. Those of us who don’t need to be in the homes are staying away from the homes. We deeply value our relationships and our wider community and miss those we aren’t able to see at this time. We are encouraging visits to happen by phone or video chat!
While taking these preventative measures, we are still living our values – making known the gifts of core members, enjoying time together as a community, and supporting one another through it all.
Our houses are creating fun opportunities and staying active!
The homes are playing games, making art and coloring, going on (safely distant) walks and drives, and exercising at home. 6th Street house created a game called “spatula baseball” (a spatula bat + a paper ball) and Ontario House is doing daily “TED Talks” on topics they love. Euclid has gotten into Jenga and Highland had a bonfire in their backyard complete with s’mores and hot dogs.
We are taking advantage of technology to meet virtually and continue to celebrate our birthdays and other significant events! I invite you to join us for a virtual prayer night on Tuesday, April 7th at 6:30pm.
We’ve updated our wish list to reflect what we need during this time of distancing. If you would like to support us by purchasing a needed item, you can find the wish list here: Wish List.
Regular financial donations are critical to sustaining us in the coming days and months and we are beyond grateful for everyone who is already giving. Support our community, relationships, and people by becoming a regular donor.
In gratitude for your support and prayer,
Luke Smith
Community Leader | Executive Director
PS. Our daily life continues to change during this pandemic. See our Meet L’Arche GWDC page for stories and updates!