The L’Arche GWDC Diversity Commission guides our community in celebrating diversity and creating spaces for unity, faithfulness and reconciliation around diversity in our community. This includes many types of work, from reviewing policies and procedures with the Board of Directors, to having times of creative reflection together! The “I Am From” series of poems came out of reflection workshops the Diversity Commission held. Check out some poems below!
By Fritz
I am from My Mom, My Sister, Dottie, Harry and Toni
I am from Apple Pie and Baked Beans
And from Shopping and Camping Trips
I am from Flowers and the Beach
From Jingle Bells and Barbara Ann

By Hazel
I am from hot dogs and beer
I am from fish fry and flowers
And from sitting on the porch
I am from Pam, LT, Jackie and Annie
From I like You
And from manson and family reunions.

By Charles
I am from DC and three weddings this winter
I am from my mom teaching me how to cook and bake
And from getting together at Christmas and Thanksgiving
I am from riding a scooter and hopscotch
From farming, tractor driving, grilled cheese and people
From Eva-Elizabeth, Lauren, Caitlin, Alice, Katie, Father Tom, Bruce, Christine, Luke, Order of Malta, and my brothers and sisters in L’Arche across the US

Where We're From (2019 Solidariday reading from the Diversity Commission)
We are from Thomas Sweet and mouthphones
Home Alone, 101 Dalmatians, and Cops
We are from Red Doors and adaptability
Copper wire and birthday parties
We are from car ride sing-alongs and Family Feud
I am from 4 x4 inch post it notes, konica minolta printers, binder clips, manila folders, copy paper, etc.
I am from Emergency chocolate and
“Hello this is larche, What number do I press again?”
I am from hide and seek and The Mount
From both right and wrong
We’re from praying for people
From ice cream and coffee
From Arlington, our neighbors, and outdoor BBQ’s
I am from gatito Schofield
I am from the medio locos, floral, and brightness
I’m from Yellow Submarine recitals and artists
I’m from candlelit prayer
I’m from Cuba
From Michael, Gene, and Glen
The grocery shopping, photo albums, and Ontario Rd
We are from welcoming new family members, dinners made together, and sitting on the porch
We are from prayer candles, napkins on our heads and hand woven placemats
We are all brothers and sisters in L’Arche