Join the Heart of L'Arche Society

For over a decade, hundreds of individuals and families have built a sustainable foundation for L’Arche through the Heart of L’Arche Society. Members generously give $1,000 or more per year for three years, allowing L’Arche to plan ahead and grow sustainably.

Companion Circle

Companion Circle
$1,000 per year for 3 years (total of $3,000)

All Heart of L’Arche society members receive an invitation to our annual Heart of L’Arche Fundraiser, are recognized in L’Arche GWDC’s annual report, and are invited to participate in special events with the community throughout the year.

Accompaniment Circle

Accompaniment Circle
$2,500 per year for 3 years (total of $7,500)

All Heart of L’Arche society members receive an invitation to our annual Heart of L’Arche Fundraiser, are recognized in L’Arche GWDC’s annual report, and are invited to participate in special events with the community throughout the year.

Community Builders Circle

Community Builders Circle
$5,000 per year for 3 years (total of $15,000)

All Heart of L’Arche society members receive an invitation to our annual Heart of L’Arche Fundraiser, are recognized in L’Arche GWDC’s annual report, and are invited to participate in special events with the community throughout the year.

Advocacy Circle

Advocacy Circle
$10,000 per year for 3 years (total of $30,000)

All Heart of L’Arche society members receive an invitation to our annual Heart of L’Arche Fundraiser, are recognized in L’Arche GWDC’s annual report, and are invited to participate in special events with the community throughout the year.

Leadership Circle

Leadership Circle
$25,000 of more per year for 3 years

All Heart of L’Arche society members receive an invitation to our annual Heart of L’Arche Fundraiser, are recognized in L’Arche GWDC’s annual report, and are invited to participate in special events with the community throughout the year.

Gifts from Heart of L’Arche Society members fund our four lifelong homes, train new leaders, and boost our efforts in modeling inclusion in our homes and beyond.
Each level of membership in the Heart of L’Arche society directly supports our community and allows L’Arche to plan ahead and grow sustainably.
Become a member of the Heart of L’Arche Society today by making a 3 year pledge of $1000 or more per year.

Make your pledge today!

Contact Sarah Moore, Director of Development and Communications, to set up your pledge or ask any further questions: or (202) 360-6868

Or you can fill out the inquiry form, and we will be in touch shortly.

Image of Tim Shriver and L'Arche GWDC Core Member Michael. The accompanying quote says, "“In my world, L’Arche is the community that is modeling for us what the world has to become... what the world can really look like if we actually practice the heart of L'Arche. The heart of dignity and love and compassion for everyone. No exceptions." -Tim Shriver, Chair of Special Olympics, Fan-in-Chief of L'Arche