Walton Schofield
April 1, 1948 – January 18, 2018

Dear Community,
It is with great grief and aching in our hearts that Ontario House would like to let you know of our great friend and family member, Walton’s passing. On the last day of his life on Earth, Walton was surrounded by so many friends and family members – a great testament to the multitude of souls that touched and have been touched by Waltico.
Walton brought great light, peace, and joy to all who have entered Ontario’s doors over the years. Whether offering one of his famous handshakes, or posing the timeless questions, “hablas espanol?” or “cuantos hermanos tienes?” Waltico knew well how to express his gift of welcome.
Walton loved to share his simple daily joys with others; gathering around the table for a meal, inviting friends to drink cafe at Starbucks, spending countless hours at his desk methodically rearranging los bloques, stealing plumas to add to his mochila, animatedly telling stories about life in Miami, and visiting the post office to mail letters to loved ones.
Ontario House will be a little quieter without Walton’s “purrs,” and the candle might make it all the way around the table before being blown out during prayer time, but Walton’s life and energy will continue to live on in our hearts and shared community spaces. We have forever been impacted by Walton’s quiet compassion and care.
Ontario House is gathering today in a time of prayer and memory sharing to grieve together, honor our beloved Waltico, and recall the ways we have loved and been loved by him.
We will notify the greater L’Arche community of upcoming opportunities to join us in celebrating Walton’s life.
En paz,
Ontario House and L’Arche Greater Washington DC