In 2017, L’Arche GWDC’s Diversity Commission began gathering feedback bi-annually to identify who we are as a community, to track progress, to identify areas for growth, and to ensure that our community is—and continues to grow into—a place of belonging.
We want to invite you to participate in this year’s survey—your voice is essential in this process. By sharing your experiences in L’Arche, you help us continue learning, improving, and making meaningful changes. We are eager to reflect on the progress we’ve made together and look ahead to new opportunities for growth.
You can join us by sharing your survey response here: Diversity Commission Survey.
This year’s annual Cultural Competency Training created an impactful space to celebrate our unique cultures and to reflect on how we can strengthen our skills in cross-cultural interactions. The definition of cultural competence varies—we used the definition “a set of congruent behaviors, attitudes, and policies that enable professionals to work effectively in cross-cultural situations,” to explore how each team member’s contributions help us serve one another with greater understanding and respect. As we shared and reflected, we found that we all agreed: sharing food is one of the best ways to learn and grow together!
In February, we also celebrated Black History Month with meaningful conversations about history, legacy, and the impact of Black leaders in our communities. At our Employee Café, we introduced “Ty’s Teaching Tidbits,” with leader Nytalia Wood guiding us through the history of Black History Month and its relevance to L’Arche today. This conversation reminded us that honoring history helps us build a more inclusive and just future, especially in everyday experiences, like hair care.
Again, we invite you to be part of this ongoing journey by completing the Diversity Commission Survey to ensure that L’Arche GWDC continues to be and to grow as a community of belonging. We’d also love to invite you to share a meal from your culture with us in our homes! Thank you for your voice, your presence, and your commitment to our shared mission.