As we celebrated Johnny’s Art show Opening Feb 2nd at the Potter’s House and gear-up for SolidariDay on March 9th—proceeds from both going to L’Arche International—a visit from friends who are connected to many L’Arche communities was more than timely!

This week L’Arche GWDC welcomed Tina Boverman, L’Arche USA Leader, Stephan Posner, L’Arche International Leader and his partner Yael. One of the main events of the week was our community Formation time on Thursday—a time where all the community members from L’Arche Greater Washington DC form each other as we reflect and create around a common theme. This Formation theme was “Solidarity.” Most often we discuss solidarity at L’Arche GWDC as we express our connection to L’Arche communities around the world.
Stephan gave a few words on how he’s experienced solidarity at L’Arche. He visits L’Arche communities all across the globe and has found that there is something that they all have in common—that they feel like home. BUT, he was quick to share that all L’Arche communities are also all very different. There are different people, different levels of government support, different models of how homes are structured, different ways homes pray together, and more. Stephan went on to say we need difference within our unified Federation. He urged each community to find ways to learn from each other’s differences. Stephan reminded us that solidarity is needing each other and belonging to one another.

The community continued to form each other as they discussed how they experienced solidarity at L’Arche and went on to create prayer banners to send to L’Arche communities abroad.
Thank you Tina and Stephan for joining us and helping form us in our understanding and expressions of Solidarity with L’Arche as a Federation!