How A Network Of Homes For Adults With Disabilities Has Managed To Keep COVID At Bay
Hazel Pulliam doesn’t like COVID-19. She shakes her head vigorously at the mention of it.
It’s a Sunday afternoon in November and Pulliam is sitting in her room in one of L’Arche Greater Washington, D.C.’s homes in Arlington, joined by an assistant Lauren Palmer, who wears a mask. Since the pandemic began, Pulliam has stayed in her room more than she used to.
These days, she spends most of her time with Palmer, her three housemates, and other assistants. If she wants to see other people, including her sister who lives nearby, she has to do it outside from a distance.
Palmer asks her if that’s been the most difficult part of the pandemic.
“Yes, uh huh, yeah,” Pulliam says, nodding.