The General Assembly in Virginia is meeting this month for a Special Session. We need to let our representatives know that people with developmental/intellectual disabilities, and those that support them, will not be forgotten! The needs of people with developmental disabilities must be included in the new state budget. Currently, funding for necessary developmental disabilities services is not enough. Virginians with developmental disabilities are at risk of losing their life-giving support.
How you can help:
Email or call your representative! You can find them listed here along with more information about the issues. See our main talking points in the sample script.
Get in touch if you have questions: maryellendingley@larche-gwdc.org.
Use this sample script below for your email or call.
Sample script
I am contacting you about the Developmental Disabilities System in Virginia. Virginians with disabilities need our support right now and I want to ensure that they are not left behind. Individuals with developmental disabilities and the providers they rely on are currently being forgotten in the distribution of PPE and financial resources, despite being among some of the state’s most vulnerable citizens. Disability service providers are at a breaking point.
I am asking you to:
- Increase the Development Disability services waiver rate immediately. Reimbursement Rates were too low before the COVID19 crisis, and now costs have only increased.
- Provide supplemental COVID payments. Direct support providers need funds for hazard pay, overtime costs for providing services, training of staff due to COVID-19, hiring of additional staff due to COVID-19, PPE expenses, and additional operational and cleaning costs.
- Have direct care staff classified as essential workers so they may have access to essential financial resources and have priority status to source personal protective equipment (PPE) necessary to provide critical services.
We strongly request the General Assembly set aside funding to meet these needs of a highly vulnerable forgotten population.
Thank you for your urgent attention to our request. Your leadership on behalf of Virginians with disabilities is appreciated.